Category: Writer
Carol Vorderman, a renowned British television personality and former Countdown co-host, has long been admired for her intelligence, charismatic presence, and dynamic life. Over recent years, Carol’s appearance has …
Barbara was born February 26, 1953 in Portland Oregon. She became famous as Brenda Dickerson on The Bold and the Beautiful and as Kate Anderson on Pensacola: Wings of …
Ina was born February 2, 1948 in Brooklyn, New York into a family of surgeon. She married Jeffrey Garten in 1968. She earned MBA degree at George Washington University. …
Jameela was born 25 February 1986 in London, United Kingdom to English mother and Indian father. Since late 2016, Jamil is starring in the role of Tahani Al-Jamil on …
Beautiful redhead Maureen was born 17 August 1920 in Dublin, Ireland. She was married three times. Her famous movies include Dance, Girl, Dance, To the Shores of Tripoli, and …
Jane was born December 21, 1937 in New York City. She has Dutch, Scottish, French and English ancestry. Her professional career started with modeling. Fonda even made it twice …